Home Design Dynamic Floor Design Blending Colorful Hexagonal Tiles and Concrete
Home Design Accomplishing a feeling of flow in a room should be possible in an assortment of startling ways. Take today's venture for instance, a moderate kitchen plan, some portion of G-Roc, a private undertaking finished by Niche Planners and situated in Barcelona, Spain. In this condo, the planners figured out how to make an Austere domain with a mechanical energy, included a touch of merriment through blue and yellow tints. What caught our consideration however are the hexagonal tiles in the kitchen, which we comprehended were a surplus from different works in the same building the planners had finished a while back.
This blend of hexagonal floor tiles in dark, blue and dark runs awesome with the shading plan utilized all through the condo. Concrete and polished Polyurethane covering were the materials utilized for more than half of the kitchen flooring, powerfully finishing the look. The floor tiles likewise emerge in association with their related back-sprinkle tiles in light blue, despite the fact that their shape is distinctive. Which makes us acclaim the capacity of the planners to make the spot feel symphonious and tasteful, notwithstanding its overwhelming blend of hues, shapes and compositions. How might you remark on this ground surface outline approach? [Photos by: Nieve | Productora Audiovisual]
Home Design Dynamic Floor Design Blending Colorful Hexagonal Tiles and Concrete