A tribute to ventures and gifts, this kitchen remodel in Montreal, Canada, started with a profound craving to immerse the space with recollections of the proprietor's enterprises. The outcome (as conveyed by Cooking styles Steam) is a smooth, dynamic kitchen that is exceptionally customized, as well as recounts the tale of the interesting items that it houses.
"The bearing of the task was clear from the initially meeting, as the customer communicated her longing to have a kitchen that didn't resemble a kitchen: a 'non-kitchen' kitchen, to be correct," the planners said.
"A substantial part of our beginning meeting was devoted to examining the individual stories behind the amazing amount of figures, rocks, wicker container and different curios that were procured amid broad ventures and are shown all through the customer's home," the originators said.
"It was perfectly clear right then and there that those stories and recollections are what the kitchen expected to reflect. Those uncommon articles required a space keeping in mind the end goal to spring up." The outcome is a space with a variety of items that can be moved and supplanted spontaneously.
In the focal point of everything is a table that proceeds outside, bringing nature inside. The point of convergence of the space, it is finished with the same strong stone that is found on the floor and in the sink. Matched with high contrast cupboards, a concordant relationship is produced. [Information gave by Cooking styles Steam; photography by Mario Dubreuil]