Green Residence in Singapore Grows Grass on Every Level

Situated in a lavishly planted local location of Singapore and encompassed by full grown trees, this green advanced living arrangement means to encapsulate its environment. The House at Trevose Spot was finished by A D Lab.

"This desire to broaden the site, its feeling of tender development and serenity, represented a test, given the broad automatic prerequisites of the proprietors," clarified the designers.

The green living arrangement must be adjusted to the requirements of the multi-generational crew. This was accomplished by adding to a generally minimized working around a patio and swimming pool. The highlight of the outline is a pathway that winds around the outer veneer, circling the home in grass.

"Beside tenderly consolidating the working into the site, this long, winding veranda likewise serves as expansions of the individual rooms," the modelers included. The veranda proceeds with the distance to the housetop garden.

The home has three levels, each facilitating both private and social territories. Vast windows and sliding entryways on every floor guarantee regular ventilation and lighting, and permit access to the verdant zones from each level. [Photography by Masano Kawana]